Why Is Your Face Breaking Out?


Acne breakouts are very common and despite your diet and fitness routine they can emerge out of nowhere. They are especially embarrassing when they occur at prominent areas on the face and right before any big event or function. Acne and their timing is connected to genetics, our skin care habits, hormones and also our skin’s natural tendency to clog pores.


Acne breakout is essentially a pimple that has formed on the surface of the skin on the face or body. It is a result of the skin pores being blocked by excess sebum (natural oil), skin debris, dirt and grime. Acne causing bacteria thrive in such an environment and cause acne to form that can be filled with pus. Inflammation (or swelling) and redness at the affected site are common accompaniments of acne breakout.

Acne breakout around the mouth or anywhere on the face such as the cheeks or chin is a skin concern that troubles adults and teens alike because of being very noticeable.



What Causes Your Face To Breakout?

1.    Hormones – Hormones play a crucial role in causing acne outbreak at any point in our lives. Some hormones like progesterone, testosterone, etc. can fluctuate and cause increased production of sebum. This excess oil on the skin plugs the pores and leads to acne breakouts. Both teenagers and adults can suffer from acne breakouts due to a hormonal imbalance.

2.     Unhygienic Skin Care Routine – Not washing the face regularly or using products not meant for your skin type can irritate the skin and cause pimples. Sweat left on the skin can also plug pores easily and prove to be a suitable environment for acne causing bacteria to grow in. Acne breakout on back is often seen as a result of not taking a shower after a physical activity that has caused sweating.

3.     Stress – This is often a cause of acne breakouts in adults. Stress can impact the production of natural oils by the skin and increase it to the levels where it can easily block the pores and thus acne is formed.

4.     Pollution – Pollutants in the environment can clog pores on the skin and cause acne breakouts. Such acne is often red and inflamed because of the irritation caused by the pollutant particles.

5.     Makeup – Using the wrong makeup products can cause both excess oil production and pore blockages. Additionally, not removing makeup before sleeping gives the makeup ingredients a high chance of clogging your pores.

6.     Others – Apart from these, other causes of acne breakouts include smoking, unhealthy diet, wearing hats and sensitivity to certain ingredients in hair or skin products.

How To Prevent Acne Breakouts?

Managing acne breakouts becomes easier when preventive measures are taken to keep the skin clean and healthy. Follow these tips to prevent and  clear acne fast –


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